등록일자 2017-05-24 12:47:43 조회수 1391
이름 GS어학원 이메일 gsnels@naver.com
제목 GS 어학원 연수 후기 _ 임슬기 학생

For me, this is the first time to visit the Philippines.

So, I was excited since I bought the plane ticket to the Philippines

I remember the day when I arrived at Clark airport 2am.

Even if I arrived there late, Korean managers took me to the GS kindly.

I think most of managers in GS are kind. If I ask them something, they help me willingly.

During stay in GS, my english got improved. It thanks to good teachers and my foreign frineds. My teachers are professional and considerate people. When I didn’t understand what they say or have problems to answer the questions, they explained me kindly till I understand.

Also my foreign friends helped me a lot. I had to talk with my friends in English, so I could practice to speak in English.

I sometimes thought I might bother people because I can’t speak in English well. haha.

Including studying with teachers, I have good memories.

I used to go outside with friends every weekends and sometimes spent a great time with teachers.

There are markets, SM Mall, massage shop and Walking street near GS. So, I could buy somthing and spend a good time conveniently.


In April, I was invited to one of teachers in GS. That day was Easter day in the Philippines.

She treated me traditional filipino foods and showed me Mandarame. I really appreciate her.

I wish I could stay here more. People in this country are so kind. But I have a dream, so I have to go now.  

I’ll never forget all of these memories. I’ll miss everyone. Goodbye!

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